Your Journey to Vitality Starts Here

At +advitam®, our mission is to provide outstanding care and innovative treatments to support you in achieving your health and wellness goals. We understand that navigating new medical services can bring up many questions, which is why we have compiled this comprehensive FAQ page. Whether you're curious about the specifics of our hormone optimization, joint injections, or peptide therapy, our FAQs cover everything you need to know. Our goal is to ensure you have all the information necessary to make informed decisions about your health. Explore our FAQs to learn more about how our personalized treatments can enhance your well-being and vitality.

Metabolic Optimization™ Program (MOP) FAQ

What is our MOP?

How does the MOP work?

What are the benefits of the MOP?

Who can benefit from the MOP?

What makes our MOP unique?

How effective is our Metabolic Optimization Program (MOP)?

Is the MOP safe?

Are there any side effects associated with the MOP?

Can the MOP be used in conjunction with other medical treatments?

How long does it take to see results from the MOP?

What is our MOP?

Our Metabolic Optimization™ Program (MOP) is our premier treatment, perfected over 15 years by our leading practitioners. It combines the best of peptide, hormone , and IV therapies to improve vitality and quality of life. The MOP is designed based on an individual's comprehensive evaluation to achieve optimal results, focusing on physical metabolic enhancements such as weight loss, muscle building, and overall functional and mental longevity.

How does the MOP work?

MOP works by utilizing a combination of therapies to target specific areas that need improvement. Peptide therapies enhance the body's natural functions, hormone therapies balance hormone levels, and IV therapy delivers essential nutrients and minerals directly to the bloodstream for maximum absorption. Each therapy has unique benefits, and when combined, the MOP enhances cellular efficiency, targeting specific areas more effectively than individual treatments alone. The program is customized to each individual's unique physical attributes and goals to achieve optimal results.

What are the benefits of the MOP?

The MOP offers numerous benefits by restoring hormonal balance and addressing symptoms associated with hormonal decline. Our tailored treatments ensure you experience improved well-being and vitality. The benefits of MOP include the following:

  • Decreased body fat and visceral (organ) fat
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased energy
  • Enhanced memory, cognition, and focus

Who can benefit from the MOP?

Anyone can benefit from the MOP, especially those looking for significant improvements in their body and a restoration of bodily functions to what they were 10-20 years ago. The program is designed for individuals aiming to lose weight, build muscle, improve mental clarity and focus, enhance energy levels, and increase overall vitality. It is also helpful for those recovering from surgery and wanting to speed up the healing process. The MOP is tailored to each individual's specific needs and goals, making it a highly effective way to improve overall health and fitness. The following are ideal candidates for MOP:

  • Individuals experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance
  • Those in perimenopause or menopause
  • Men experiencing andropause
  • Persons with chronic fatigue or low energy levels
  • Those with mood swings or depression linked to hormone levels
  • Patients without severe allergies to treatment components
  • Non-pregnant and non-breastfeeding individuals, unless advised otherwise by a healthcare provider

What makes our MOP unique?

+advitam® is the only company in the world to offer the Metabolic Optimization™ Program (MOP), a sophisticated combination of peptide, hormone, and IV therapies that yields incredible results. Our practitioners have designed, developed, and perfected the MOP over many years, making it unique in the industry. What sets the MOP apart is the custom and tailored approach to each individual's unique molecular makeup. Unlike other treatments, the MOP takes a hands-on approach, ensuring that the program is personalized to meet the unique needs and goals of each patient. By customizing the program, we achieve optimal results in physical enhancements such as weight loss and muscle building, overall functional and mental longevity, and post-surgical recovery. The MOP is safe and effective, tailored to each individual's unique needs and goals, ensuring the therapies used are appropriate and effective for them.

How effective is our Metabolic Optimization Program (MOP)?

The Metabolic Optimization™ Program (MOP) is highly effective due to its customized approach to each individual's unique needs and goals. By tailoring the program, the MOP achieves optimal results in weight loss, muscle building, overall functional and mental longevity, and post-surgical recovery. Additionally, the program improves energy levels, increases muscle mass, reduces body fat, improves sleep quality, and enhances mental clarity and focus.

Is the MOP safe?

Yes, the MOP is safe when administered by licensed and experienced medical professionals. MOP is overseen by medical doctors, registered nurses, and physician’s assistants with extensive experience in peptide therapies, hormone therapies, and IV therapies. All therapies used in the program have been used safely for years in medical treatments. Before starting the program, each individual undergoes a thorough medical evaluation to ensure they are a good candidate and that the therapies used will be safe and effective for them.

Are there any side effects associated with the MOP?

Like any medical treatment, there is always a risk of side effects. However, the side effects associated with the MOP are generally mild and temporary. Side effects may include soreness at the injection site, minor swelling, or mild nausea. These side effects typically resolve on their own within a few days. Additionally, the medical professionals overseeing the program monitor each individual's progress closely and adjust the therapies as needed to minimize any potential side effects.

Can the MOP be used in conjunction with other medical treatments?

In general, the MOP can be used in conjunction with other medical treatments. However, it is important to consult with your doctor before starting the program to ensure that the therapies used in the MOP will not interfere with any other medical treatments you may be receiving. Additionally, the medical professionals overseeing the MOP will work closely with your other healthcare providers to ensure that all therapies are working together effectively and safely.

How long does it take to see results from the MOP?

The length of time it takes to see results from the MOP can vary depending on each individual's unique needs and goals. However, many individuals begin to see results within the first few weeks of starting the program. The medical professionals overseeing the program will work closely with each individual to monitor their progress and adjust the therapies as needed to ensure optimal results.

Peptide Therapy FAQ

What is peptide therapy?

What does peptide therapy do?

Who should consider peptide therapy?

What are the benefits of peptide therapy?

What is peptide therapy?

Peptide therapy involves introducing strands of amino acids into your system to enhance health and wellness. Naturally occurring peptides link together to form essential proteins like collagen and elastin, supporting various important processes and functions in your body. While your body naturally produces peptides, their levels can vary based on factors like age. Peptide therapy increases peptide levels and is customizable to your needs. You can receive peptides through injections, oral supplements, nasal sprays, or topical formulations.

What does peptide therapy do?

Peptide therapy uses specific peptides, short chains of amino acids, to interact with and influence the body's natural processes. These naturally occurring molecules regulate hormones and neurotransmitters and support the immune system. By introducing specific peptides, the therapy can stimulate hormone production, increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and improve overall health. It also reduces inflammation and promotes healing. Peptide therapy is safe and effective for addressing hormonal imbalances, chronic inflammation, and age-related body function decline and is tailored to each individual's needs and goals.

Who should consider peptide therapy?

Peptide therapy can benefit almost anyone. There are many different peptides, and your provider at +advitam® can help you choose a treatment that aligns with your needs and goals. It is beneficial for those looking to improve overall health, as well as those dealing with specific health conditions or concerns. Individuals who may benefit from peptide therapy include the following:

  • Athletes seeking to improve performance and recovery
  • Those who want to lose weight or build muscle
  • Those experiencing age-related declines in cognitive function, memory, or energy levels
  • Patients with chronic conditions like autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue, or Lyme disease
  • Those recovering from surgery or injury, looking to accelerate healing
  • Individuals with hormonal imbalances or deficiencies, such as menopause or andropause
  • People with skin or hair concerns, like acne, wrinkles, or hair loss

What are the benefits of peptide therapy?

Peptide therapies are revolutionizing health and fitness by offering a range of benefits that help individuals achieve their health goals. +advitam® provides a personalized approach to optimal health and well-being through peptide therapy. Some of the top benefits of peptide therapy include the following:

  • Weight Loss: Stimulates hormones like growth hormone and GLP-1, increasing metabolism, reducing appetite, and promoting fat loss.
  • Skin Rejuvenation: Improves collagen production, reducing wrinkles and fine lines, and promoting healthier skin by reducing inflammation and supporting natural healing processes.
  • Hormone Balance: Regulates hormone levels and restores balance, particularly helpful for women going through menopause or individuals dealing with andropause.
  • Hair Restoration: Promotes healthier hair by increasing blood flow to the scalp, stimulating hair follicles, and improving hair strand health.
  • Anti-Aging and Longevity: Supports cellular regeneration, reduces inflammation, and promotes healthy immune function, slowing down the aging process while also improving overall health and wellness.

Hormone Replacement Therapy FAQ

What is hormone replacement therapy?

What can hormone (testosterone) replacement therapy do for men?

What can hormone replacement therapy do for women?

What is hormone replacement therapy?

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment designed to help men and women maintain their vitality and youthful vigor. As we age, our bodies produce fewer hormones, leading to symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, reduced sexual function, and weight gain. At +advitam®, HRT uses naturally derived bio-identical hormones to replace those the body no longer produces. By restoring hormone levels to their optimal balance, HRT can alleviate the symptoms of aging and improve overall quality of life. We use the highest quality bio-identical hormones and work closely with patients to develop personalized treatment programs tailored to their health objectives. Our team of experienced healthcare professionals is dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal health and well-being through hormone replacement therapy.

What can hormone (testosterone) replacement therapy do for men?

+advitam® offers testosterone replacement therapy and supplementation for men using bio-identical testosterone, a hormone crucial for male development, including muscle growth, sex drive, and body hair growth. Low testosterone is common in aging men but can also result from testicular injuries, certain health conditions, and emotional stress. Testosterone replacement and supplementation with bio-identical hormones can alleviate the following symptoms of low testosterone:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Low libido
  • Increased body fat
  • Reduced muscle mass and strength
  • Depression
  • Body hair loss
  • Gynecomastia
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Fatigue

HRT can help address these symptoms by restoring testosterone levels to a healthy range, increasing energy levels, improving sexual function, enhancing muscle mass, and reducing body fat. This treatment can also help improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in men.

What can hormone replacement therapy do for women?

As women age and approach menopause, estrogen and other hormone levels decline, causing symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and difficulty sleeping. HRT can help alleviate these symptoms by restoring hormone levels to their optimal balance. After a body composition analysis and hormone blood work, your +advitam® provider may recommend women’s hormone replacement therapy to help provide the following benefits:

  • Boost sex drive
  • Ease vaginal dryness and irritation
  • Alleviate hot flashes and night sweats
  • Increase bone density
  • Reduce body fat mass

Bio-identical hormones are administered as pellets that are placed under the skin and gradually release hormones at a steady rate. Due to the slow-release cycle, these pellets are administered only several times a year.

IV Therapy FAQ

What is IV Therapy?

What types of nutrients are typically included in IV Therapy?

What are the benefits of IV Therapy?

Can I mix IV Therapy with Peptides and Hormones?

How is IV Therapy administered?

What is IV Therapy?

IV Therapy, also known as intravenous therapy, is a cutting-edge treatment designed to boost your body's health and wellness from the inside out. This therapy involves administering essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum absorption and effectiveness. The infusion of these essential nutrients can provide your body with the resources it needs to function at its best, leading to a wide range of benefits. IV Therapy can also be called IV Hydration, IV Nutrition, and IV Infusion.

What types of nutrients are typically included in IV Therapy?

IV Therapy delivers a customized blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients directly into the bloodstream, providing a powerful boost to your body's overall health and wellness. The specific nutrients included in IV Therapy vary depending on your individual needs and goals but typically include a combination of B vitamins, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, and other vital nutrients. These nutrients support immune function, improve energy levels, and promote overall health and well-being. IV Therapy can also be customized to include additional nutrients and supplements, such as amino acids, antioxidants, and electrolytes, to address specific health concerns or goals. Whether you're looking to boost your immune system, combat fatigue, or rejuvenate your body and mind, IV Therapy offers a powerful solution for achieving your health and wellness goals.

What are the benefits of IV Therapy?

IV Therapy provides a powerful solution for those looking to enhance their overall well-being. The infusion of essential vitamins and minerals helps to boost the immune system, increase energy levels, and improve overall health. It can also combat the effects of stress, aging, and chronic illness. Specific benefits of IV Therapy include the following:

  • Increased energy levels: IV Therapy can help combat fatigue and improve energy levels, making it easier to stay active and engaged.
  • Improved immune function: The infusion of essential nutrients supports the immune system, making it more effective in fighting off infections and illnesses.
  • Enhanced athletic performance: IV Therapy can provide the body with the resources it needs to perform at its best, making it a popular choice among athletes.
  • Better recovery from illness or injury: IV Nutrition Therapy can speed up recovery after an illness or injury, helping you get back on your feet faster.
  • Improved skin health: The infusion of essential nutrients can improve skin health, reducing the signs of aging and leaving you with a more youthful appearance.

Can I mix IV Therapy with Peptides and Hormones?

Yes, IV Therapy can be combined with peptides and hormones to create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals. Peptides and hormones can be added to IV Hydration to enhance its effects and provide targeted benefits. For example, adding growth hormone to IV Therapy can help improve muscle growth and recovery, while adding testosterone can improve libido and sexual function. Our experienced healthcare professionals will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your specific needs and goals, ensuring you get the most out of your IV Therapy treatment.

How is IV Therapy administered?

At +advitam®, we offer a safe and comfortable IV Therapy experience to help you optimize your health and wellness. Our experienced healthcare professionals will gently insert a small needle into a vein in your arm, which is connected to a customized blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. As the fluid infuses into your bloodstream over 30 minutes to an hour, you can relax and rest comfortably, knowing you are in good hands. Our healthcare professionals will carefully monitor your progress throughout the treatment to ensure it is safe and effective. Once the infusion is complete, the needle is removed, and you can resume your normal activities immediately. IV Therapy is a popular and effective way to boost overall health and wellness, and our clinic is dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable experience for our patients. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how IV Therapy can help you feel your best.


What is NAD+ and how does it benefit my health?

How is NAD+ administered, and how often do I need treatment?

Are there any side effects associated with NAD+ therapy?

What is NAD+ and how does it benefit my health?

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) is a vital coenzyme found in every cell of the body, playing a key role in energy production, DNA repair, and cell regeneration. As we age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, leading to reduced cellular function. Supplementing with NAD+ can help boost energy levels, improve cognitive function, and support healthy aging by enhancing the body’s natural repair mechanisms.

How is NAD+ administered, and how often do I need treatment?

NAD+ is typically administered via intravenous (IV) infusion, which allows for direct absorption into the bloodstream, ensuring maximum effectiveness. The frequency of treatments depends on individual health goals and needs, but many patients start with a series of infusions over a few weeks, followed by maintenance treatments as recommended by their healthcare provider.

Are there any side effects associated with NAD+ therapy?

NAD+ therapy is generally well-tolerated, but some patients may experience mild side effects such as nausea, headache, or fatigue during or after the infusion. These side effects are usually temporary and subside shortly after the treatment. Our healthcare team will monitor your response to the therapy and make adjustments as needed to ensure your comfort and safety.

Exosomes FAQ

What are exosomes, and how do they work in regenerative medicine?

What conditions can be treated with exosome therapy?

What should I expect during an exosome therapy session?

What are exosomes, and how do they work in regenerative medicine?

Exosomes are tiny extracellular vesicles that act as messengers between cells, carrying proteins, lipids, and genetic material to facilitate cell communication and regeneration. In regenerative medicine, exosomes are used to promote healing, reduce inflammation, and support tissue repair by enhancing the body’s natural healing processes.

What conditions can be treated with exosome therapy?

Exosome therapy is used to address a wide range of conditions, including joint injuries, hair loss, skin rejuvenation, and chronic inflammation. The treatment is particularly effective in promoting tissue repair and regeneration, making it a valuable option for patients seeking to enhance their healing and overall health.

What should I expect during an exosome therapy session?

Exosome therapy is typically administered through injections into the targeted area, such as a joint or the scalp, depending on the treatment focus. The procedure is minimally invasive and generally well-tolerated, with most patients experiencing little to no discomfort. After the treatment, you can resume normal activities, though your healthcare provider may recommend specific post-treatment care to optimize results.

Stem Cells FAQ

What are stem cells, and how do they contribute to healing and regeneration?

How are stem cells harvested and administered in treatments?

What types of conditions can benefit from stem cell therapy?

What are stem cells, and how do they contribute to healing and regeneration?

Stem cells are unique cells with the ability to develop into various types of cells in the body, such as cartilage, bone, and muscle. In regenerative medicine, stem cells are used to repair and regenerate damaged tissues, reduce inflammation, and support the body’s natural healing processes, making them an effective treatment option for a range of conditions.

How are stem cells harvested and administered in treatments?

Stem cells are typically harvested from the patient’s own body, either from bone marrow or adipose (fat) tissue. Once collected, the stem cells are processed to concentrate their healing properties and then injected into the affected area, such as an injured joint or damaged tissue. This targeted approach allows the stem cells to directly promote tissue repair and regeneration.

What types of conditions can benefit from stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy is commonly used to treat joint injuries, degenerative conditions, and chronic pain. It can also be beneficial for patients seeking to improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance overall function. Additionally, stem cell therapy is being explored for its potential in treating a variety of other conditions, including autoimmune diseases and neurological disorders.

Enhancing your well-being and longevity through innovative, personalized care.

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